
A demo is available in the /demo folder.

Before running


Clone the repository and open it in Android Studio. In the "Run configuration" drop-down you should see the following:

  • demo.composeApp

  • demo.browser

  • demo.desktop

  • demo.ios

Select the target you want and click Run.


To manually run the demo you can do the following:


To run the application on android device/emulator:

  • open project in Android Studio and run imported android run configuration

To build the application bundle:

  • run ./gradlew :demo:composeApp:assembleDebug

  • find .apk file in demo/composeApp/build/outputs/apk/debug/composeApp-debug.apk


To run the application on iPhone device/simulator:

  • Open iosApp/iosApp.xcworkspace in Xcode and run standard configuration

Last updated