📈Web API Service

If you need to support more platforms other than Android/iOS, you can use a web based API service. Out of the box Compass supports Google Maps and .

In order to use these third party API's you will need to get an API key and also be aware of the costs associated with using their service.

Custom API

If you aren't using the provided services, you can create your own by implementing your own HttpApiPlatformGeocoder.

Import the library

First you need to import the geocoding-web artifact:


Create your endpoints

Now you need to implement a ForwardEndpoint and ReverseEndpoint which are defined as:

public typealias ForwardEndpoint = HttpApiEndpoint<String, List<Coordinates>>
public typealias ReverseEndpoint = HttpApiEndpoint<Coordinates, List<Place>>

Here is an example ForwardEndpoint:

public class MyForwardEndpoint : ForwardEndpoint {

    override fun url(param: String): String {
        return "https://my-api.com/api/geocode?query=$param"

    override suspend fun mapResponse(response: HttpResponse): List<Coordinates> {
        val result = response.body<MyAPIResponse>().resultsOrThrow()
        // Map the response to the Coordinates object
        return result.toCoordinates()

Here you can use any API you want by creating the URL and mapping the response.

You can also use the helper extension function for more concise code:

val forwardEndpoint = ForwardEndpoint(
    url = { param -> "https://my-api.com/api/geocode?query=$param" },
    mapResponse = { response -> 

Now you can do the same for the ReverseEndpoint as well.

The HTTP request is handled automatically for you. You can customize (to add authentication, headers, etc) this when you go to create the HttpApiPlatformGeocoder object, see below for more.

Create the Geocoder

In order to create the Geocoder object you need a PlatformGeocoder that can make the requests. In this case we need to create a HttpApiPlatformGeocoder this can be done like so:

val platformGeocoder = HttpApiPlatformGeocoder(
    forwardEndpoint = forwardEndpoint, // created above
    reverseEndpoint = reverseEndpoint,

Then you can finally create the Geocoder:

val geocoder = Geocoder(platformGeocoder)
geocoder.forward("London UK")

You can skip the HttpApiPlatformGeocoder step by using another extension function:

val geocoder = Geocoder(
    forwardEndpoint = forwardEndpoint, // created above
    reverseEndpoint = reverseEndpoint,
geocoder.forward("London UK")

Customizing the HTTP request

If you need to customize the HTTP request to your API then you can do so by passing a HttpClient or Json object to the above functions. Here is the signature for the above Geocoder function:

public fun Geocoder(
    forwardEndpoint: ForwardEndpoint,
    reverseEndpoint: ReverseEndpoint,
    json: Json = HttpApiEndpoint.json(),
    httpClient: HttpClient = HttpApiEndpoint.httpClient(json),
    dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.Default,
): Geocoder 

Notice that a default HttpClient is used, but you can pass your own in.

Last updated