📱Android / iOS

Compass supports Autocomplete natively on Android and iOS by using the built in Geocoding services.

If your project supports both Mobile and other targets, you need to configure your setup to provide a Autocomplete<Place> for each platform. Check out https://github.com/jordond/compass/blob/main/docs/autocomplete/usage/mixed-platforms.mdfor more information.

Getting started

To get started with Autocomplete on Android and iOS, you need to create an instance of Autocomplete<Place>:

val autocomplete = Autocomplete.mobile()

Then you can use the autocomplete instance:

val results = mutableListOf<String>()

suspend fun search(query: String) {
    val result = autocomplete.getOrNull() ?: return
    if (result.isNotEmpty()) {

The Mobile Autocomplete uses the device's built-in Geocoding services to provide the results. These results can vary in quality and quantity.

Last updated